Boost for Airedale Hospital garden project

FREEMASONS have given a boost to a hospital garden project.

Craven Branch 810 members have donated £1,000 to help complete the creation of a special dementia garden.

The area – accessible through Ward 4 at Airedale – features a figure-of-eight path, designed so patients can easily find their way around and back into the building.

There is also seating and ‘shade sails’.

The donation was presented to the Friends of Airedale, whose president, Eileen Proud, thanked the masons.

“This will help us make significant progress towards completing the garden,” she said.

“We’re buying some more plants and trees, two obelisks for climbing plants and some figurines.”

She added: “It’s important to make the garden an interactive space – patients are encouraged to use the potting shed and plant-up the herb planters.

“The act of gardening – together with the scented plants – helps to provoke memories, which is ultimately the main aim of the garden.”

Roger Newhouse, the masons’ assistant provincial grandmaster, said they were delighted to support the project.

“The garden is a wonderful space for patients and their visitors to enjoy,” he added.